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中国故事 03 Dongzhi Festival 冬至

03、dongzhi festival 冬至

it is a cold night in the middle of winter.it is very cold in harry's town.but harry's house is warm.he reads in the kitchen.he learns about a chinese doctor and his invention.the doctor was called zhang zhongjing
it was very cold in dr.zhang’s city.the people could not stay warm.dr.zhang saw many poor people.they had no hats.they could not cover their ears.many people had red,sore ears.dr.zhang was kind.he wanted to help them.dr.zhang made something warm for the people to eat.he took a big pot of hot water.he cooked lamb and vegetables in the pot.then he used flour to make dough.he made the dough into small circles.he put the lamb and vegetables inside.he folded the dough,and the circles looked like ears!he put the dough ears in the soup and cooked them.dr.zhang invented dumplings!the winter solstice came.the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year.it has the longest,coldest night.dr.zhang took the big pot outside.he gave the dumplings to the people in the town.the people ate the dumplings,and they felt warm.even their ears were warm!the people thanked dr.zhang.after the winter solstice,the days were longer.the weather was warmer.and the people had warm ears!harry looks around the kitchen.he sees some flour.he has lamb and vegetables.he tries to make dr.zhang’s lamb dumplings.he makes a mess.the dumplings break.the soup tastes bad.harry is upset.it is the winter solstice.his family will be home soon.he wants to eat dumplings.harry looks in the freezer.he sees a bag of lamb dumplings.he cooks them quickly.harry’s wife and children come home.they eat the dumplings together.the children love the dumplings.“thank you for cooking!” says harry’s wife,penny.“i tried!” says harry.he tells her about the bad dumplings.he says the soup was awful.penny laughs.“it’s ok,” she says.“we are all together,and we have hot dumplings.it’s a great winter solstice!”
the end
question:imagine it is very cold.what food do you want to eat
sore adj.痛的,疼痛发炎的。
pot n.罐,壶,锅。
lamb n.小羊,羔羊肉。
dough n.(加好配料用于制面包、糕点等的)生面(团)。
fold v.折叠,交叠。
invent v.发明,创造。
solstice n.[天]至,最高点。
mess n.凌乱(或肮脏)的一堆。
upset adj.心烦的,苦恼的。
freezer n.制冷器,冷藏箱,冰箱。
awful adj.(口)极坏的,极讨厌的,使人极不愉快的。

